...where Quality and Integrity merge to provide Perfection...
...This is the place for Auto and Bike
Enthusiasts...Where we believe your vehicle
is more than mere transportation...
music Fireproof from Pillar
...So what does it mean for you that we are
a specialty repair facility?  It means that we
don't do custom work when we have time.  
Or we don't do restorations as fill in when
things are slow.  This is all we do...This is
who we are...This is where passion drives
us...And that means each project becomes
something more - not a job, but a journey...

...Care to join us...
Remember this logo
My dad and me, circa 1999 - see more about my family
89 Fox Body project show car
newest finished product...
Yes, we do Collision work too...
...We are working with Healing Heroes
Network, an organization dedicated to
helping wounded veterans...We will be
taking our 89 Project Stang for a special
Journey to help HHN reach those in
need...Please click on the logo to the left
to learn more about Healing
Heroes...Click on the Stang picture to the
right to see the build...
HHN Mustang, photo courtesy of Rorymad Studios...
07 BMW 330I meets ditch...
BMW 330I after repair
Subi WRX
Subaru WRX